Java Basics


Course Duration: 32 hrs
Trainer: Jayanthi
Training Date: Nov 2nd – Nov 11th (4 hrs each day)


  1. Overview of Java
    1.1. History of Java
    1.2. What is Java?
    1.3. Why Java?
  2. A Java Hello World Program
    2.2. Java Keywords
    2.3. Java Identifiers
    2.4. Compiling Java Programs
    2.5. Running Java Programs
    2.6. Comments in Java Code
    2.7. The main() Method
  3. Data Types
    3.1. Declaring and Assigning Variables
    3.2. Java Primitive Types
    3.3. Conversion Between Types
    3.4. Declaring Arrays
    3.5. Creating and Initializing Array Objects
    3.6. Modifying Array Size
    3.7. Strings
  4. Operators
    4.1. Arithmetic Operators
    4.2. Shortcut Arithmetic Operators
    4.3. String Concatenation
    4.4. Relational Operators
    4.5. Logical Boolean Operators
    4.6. Bitwise Operators
    4.7. Assignment Operators
    4.8. Other Operators
    4.9. Operator Precedence
  5. Statements and Flow Control
    5.1. Expressions
    5.2. Statements and Blocks
    5.3. Local Variable Storage: The Stack
    5.4. The return Statement
    5.5. The if-else Statement
    5.6. The switch Statement
    5.7. The switch Statement (cont.)
    5.8. The while Loop Statement
    5.9. The for Loop Statement
    5.10. Using for to Iterate over Arrays and Collections
    5.11. The break Statement
    5.12. The continue Statement
    5.13. Nested Loops and Labels
  6. Object-Oriented Programming in Java
    6.1. What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)?
    6.2. Why OOP?
    6.3. Class vs. Object
    6.4. Classes in Java
    6.5. Objects in Java
    6.6. Java Memory Model
    6.7. Accessing Objects through References
    6.8. Garbage Collection
    6.9. Methods in Java
    6.10. Methods in Java (cont.)
    6.11. Method Declarations
    6.12. Method Signatures
    6.13. Invoking Methods
    6.14. Static vs. Instance Data Fields
    6.15. Static vs. Instance Methods
    6.16. Method Overloading
    6.17. Variable Argument Length Methods
    6.18. Constructors
    6.19. Constructors (cont.)
    6.20. Constants
    6.21. Encapsulation
    6.22. Access Modifiers: Enforcing Encapsulation
    6.23. Accessors (Getters) and Mutators (Setters)
    6.24. Inheritance
    6.25. Inheritance, Composition, and Aggregation
    6.26. Inheritance in Java
    6.27. Invoking Base Class Constructors
    6.28. Overriding vs. Overloading
    6.29. Polymorphism
    6.30. More on Upcasting
    6.31. Downcasting
    6.32. Abstract Classes and Methods
    6.33. Interfaces
    6.34. Defining a Java Interface
    6.35. Implementing a Java Interface
    6.36. Polymorphism through Interfaces
    6.37. Object: Java’s Ultimate Superclass
    6.38. Overriding Object.toString()
    6.39. Object Equality
    6.40. Object Equivalence
    6.41. Object Equivalence (cont.)
  7. Packaging
    7.1. Why is Packaging Needed?
    7.2. Packages in Java
    7.3. Sub-Packages in Java
    7.4. Package Naming Conventions
    7.5. Using Package Members: Qualified Names
    7.6. Importing Package Members
    7.7. Static Imports
    7.8. Access Modifiers and Packages
    7.9. The Class Path
    7.10. Java Archive (JAR) Files
    7.11. The jar Command-Line Tool Examples
  8. JavaDoc
    8.1. What is JavaDoc?
    8.2. Reading Doc Comments (Java API)
    8.3. Defining JavaDoc
    8.4. Doc Comment Tags
    8.5. Generating Doc Comment Output
  9. Exceptions
    9.1. What are Exceptions?
    9.2. Why Use Exceptions?
    9.3. Built-In Exceptions
    9.4. Exception Types
    9.5. Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions
    9.6. Exception Lifecycle
    9.7. Handling Exceptions
    9.8. Handling Exceptions (cont.)
    9.9. Grouping Exceptions
    9.10. Throwing Exception
    9.11. Creating an Exception Class
    9.12. Nesting Exceptions
  10. The java. lang Package
    10.1. Primitive Wrappers
    10.2. String and StringBuilder
    10.3. The Math Class
    10.4. The System Class
  11. Input/Output
    11.1. Representing File Paths
    11.2. Managing File Paths
    11.3. Input/Output Class Hierarchy
    11.4. Byte Streams
    11.5. Character Streams
    11.6. Exception Handling in Java I/O
    11.7. Java File I/O Classes
    11.8. Easy Text Output: PrintWriter/PrintStream
    11.9. Reading from the Terminal
    11.10. Filtered Streams
    11.11. Object Serialization
    12.2. URL/Connections
    12.3. TCP Sockets
  13. Java Collections and Generics
    13.1. The Java Collections Framework
    13.2. The Collection Interface
    13.3. Iterating Over a Collection
    13.4. The List Interface
    13.5. Classes Implementing List
    13.6. The Set and SortedSet Interfaces
    13.7. Classes Implementing Set
    13.8. The Queue Interface
    13.9. The Map Interface
    13.10. Retrieving Map Views
    13.11. Classes Implementing Map
    13.12. The Collections Class
    13.13. Type Safety in Java Collections
    13.14. Java Generics
    13.15. Generics and Polymorphism
    13.16. Type Wildcards
    13.17. Qualified Type Wildcards
    13.18. Generic Methods
  14. Threading
    14.1. Runnable And Thread
    14.2. Thread Synchronization
    14.3. More Thread Synchronization
    14.4. Java 5 Concurrency Features
    14.5. Thread Scheduling Pre-Java 5
    14.6. Thread Scheduling In Java 5
    14.7. Java 5’s ExecutorService
    14.8. Getting Results From Threads Pre Java 5
    14.9. Getting Results From Threads In Java 5
    14.10. Thread Sync Pre-Java 5
    14.11. Thread Sync In Java 5 With Locks
    14.12. Benefits Of Java 5 Locks
    14.13. Java 5 Conditions
    14.14. Atomics In Java 5
    14.15. Other Java 5 Concurrency Features
  15. Additional Java Features
    15.1. The Date Class
    15.2. The Calendar Class
    15.3. The TimeZone Class
    15.4. Formatting and Parsing Dates
    15.5. Formatting and Parsing Dates
    15.6. Typesafe Enums
    15.7. Typesafe Enums (cont.)
    15.8. EnumSet and EnumMap
    15.9. Annotations
    15.10. Using Annotations
    15.11. Standard Java Annotations
  16. java.sql
    17.1. JDBC Overview
    17.2. JDBC Drivers
    17.3. Getting a JDBC Connection
    17.4. Preparing a Statement
    17.5. Processing ResultSet
    17.6. Using ResultSetMetaData
    17.7. Updates

Trainer Summary:
Jayanthi have 17+ years of experience as a Trainer. She has Excellent knowledge of Computer Science and the new methodologies and providing the real-time knowledge about technology. She is into Research publications. She had conducted training on SQL, PL/SQL, Java, and J2EE, Python.